Ms. Masuda, together with Mr. Sayed, a new mural painting team leader of Egyptian side, made a detailed plan for follow artifacts in November, and discussed all the details with Dr. Hussein Kamal, the Project Manager. Ms. Narita and the Egyptian members executed the First Aid in the Egyptian Museum […]
More Analysis with X-ray & Multi-spectral Imaging
3D scanning for lead artifacts in GEM-CC
Mr. Ahmed Adel and Ms. Amira Abdel Hakim conducted 3D scanning on the lead artifacts of wood and mural paintings in GEM-CC using the portable 3D scanner. We documented Tutankhamun’s bed and chariot after transportation to GEM-CC. The acquired 3D data still needs a lot of processing. 3D scanning was […]
Second JCC held confirming the progress and discussing issues in implementation of the project
Second Joint Coordinating Committee was held on November 28th in the conference room nearby GEM-CC. The meeting was started by Dr. Tarek giving welcome speech, expressing the Government’s interest in GEM-JC project as the Minister is always asking about the progress of work of GEM construction project as well as […]
First drops of rain and the second year of the project
Japanese school students experience being a conservator
Textile team starts discussing the preparation of mount
The Textile team has started discussing the specification of the mount. Mount is a essential factor in terms of both exhibition and preventive conservation. Textile team, informed with final display design, started discussion on mounting methods with many stakeholders including display planners, curators, and conservators. In the meetings, 4 different […]
High resolution photography documentation of Lead objects
Staying for two weeks, Mr. Ogasawara and Mr. Watanabe, two highly professional photographers, came from Japan equipped with a high resolution camera that can capture up to 80 mega pixels quality photos, with which they carried out the high resolution photographing of the lead artifacts. Such a high-end camera and […]
Fumigation starts for Tutankhamun’s ritual bed and textiles
As the artifacts arrive to GEM-CC and get unpacked, the fumigation team always makes necessary visual inspection and decides the procedures for following fumigation. After visual inspection by the fumigation team, if fumigation deemed necessary, it will go on to the next process. In the case of our Follow Artifacts, […]
Documentation and condition check conducted at Luxor Museum
Documentation and condition check at the Luxor museum Accompanied by Dr. Osama Abo El Khair and Dr. Hussein Kamal, Mr.Eissa Zidan the head of the transportation team started the preparation for the transportation of Tutankhamun’s chariot exhibited at the Luxor Museum. As the Luxor Museum curators opened the showcase, both […]