The Organic Conservation Lab is working perseveringly to conduct the mounting process within its estimated time, by fabricating each object’s inner mounts, which will preserve and protect the artifacts during the period it’s displayed or stored. Egyptian and Japanese textile team members followed up with the proceeding work of measuring and […]
The Fifth Grand Egyptian Museum International Tutankhamun Conference
The Grand Egyptian Museum has been organizing the international Tutankhamun conference since 2015, each year with a different theme. This year, the 5th conference was held on the 4th and 5th of May 2019, to present the latest research results on King Tutankhamen artifacts, featuring iconography as its theme. Egyptian […]
Digital microscope analysis of King Tutankhamen’s chariots
The team members of the Wood Lab at GEM-CC are continuing diagnostic analysis on King Tutankhamen’s chariots using a high magnification digital microscope to identify the previous conservation processes that were done on the artifacts, and also identify the aspects of degradation in a non-destructive analysis. The digital microscope was […]
Digital microscope analysis of King Tutankhamen’s textiles
The members of the Organic Lab at GEM Conservation Center are conducting diagnostic analysis on the textile artifacts using a digital microscope, which has a high magnification capability of up to 2000x. The analysis helps the members gain more information about the current condition of the textile. During the first […]
The Conservation process for the mural paintings reaches its final stage
Since the first aid was completed and the mural paintings were safely transported to the conservation center, experts proceeded with investigating the paintings and getting rid of any infection. After the fumigation process was done, remedial conservation process had started. Currently, the mural painting team is using special conservation materials […]
The mounting process starts for Tutankhamun’s textiles
The mounting process for the textile artifacts of King Tutankhamun is progressing now at the organic lab of the Grand Egyptian Museum Conservation Center. The preparation and documentation of the whole process are being done by the textile conservation experts. For the past days, the textile team members have been […]
Fumigation Treatment of Mural Paintings was Completed
More analysis with X-Ray by the Japanese and Egyptian conservators
Following the previous analysis, The Japanese and Egyptian diagnostic analysis and wood teams have conducted X-Ray photography. This time the team not only have conducted Digital X-ray photography but also the traditional X-Ray photography using films. The panels required for digital X-Ray photography are heavy and thick, which may not […]
Wood identification by the Japanese and Egyptian conservators
The Japanese and Egyptian diagnostic analysis and wood teams have conducted wood identification. Different types of wood were used in ancient Egypt. When investigating the differences in tree species, it is necessary to observe the cell-level features of the wood’s surface. It was attempted to identify the wood species […]
Fumigation starts for the newly transported sets of mural paintings
After the final 3 sets had been transported to GEM-CC, the fumigation expert worked with the mural painting team on investigating the mural paintings and getting rid of any infestation in them. First, the mural paintings are quarantined with tent to detect any active infestation. Then, nitrogen gas is purged […]