Hello. Thank you for visiting the GEM-JC project website.
My name is Koki Watanabe and I’m doing an internship at the project office. I joined the GEM-JC project for 1 month, from October 2019 to November 2019. For those of you who visited the website before might be already familiar with GEMCC. However, I would like to give a brief idea about what GEM-CC is like from my perspective as an intern.
GEM-CC is an abbreviation for the “Grand Egyptian Museum Conservation Center” and its main purpose is to conserve the ancient artifacts and preserve them appropriately. On the other hand, The GEM-JC project is conducted through cooperation between Egypt and Japan. Currently, the project is approaching its completion phase (November 2019).
I have luckily visited several laboratories a few times. Firstly, I would like to appreciate the chances that I was given to observe the artifacts up close from only a few inches away. Never have I expected that I would find super detailed artifacts with such massiveness and luxurious features. The most impressive laboratory for me, personally, would definitely be the wood lab. There were king Tutankhamun’s coffin, beds, chariots, and so on. The godliness of the golden shine all over the lab is far beyond what any words can describe. The equipment and machinery used in the laboratories are quite expensive and their functions are complicated and It was great to see them in action.
Conservation work adds value to the artifacts. This is only possible thanks to the fantastic GEMCC staff and their expertise. I hope many of you will visit GEM when it opens in 2020 In order to see these artifacts for yourselves.