


・アハマド・アブデル=ラボ氏:Rotated axial stage tool for documentation of the pharaoh Tutankhamun ´s decorated sticks”

・ヌール・バドル: An Interpretation of the Fourth (Innermost) Shrine of King Tutankhamen Using Digital X- Radiography

・フセイン・カマル氏: Impact of Previous Chemical Treatments and Environmental Conditions in Storage on Miniature Hoes Discovered from Tutankhamen’s Tomb by Interpretation of Analytical Results.

・サイード・マンスール: Evaluation of Synthesized Poly (EMA/MA) /ZnO Nanocomposites Used for Protecting of Calcareous Stone Monuments of Ancient Egypt

・メドハット・アブダラー氏:The applications of Multi Spectral Imaging and Reflectance Transformation Imaging for an ancient Egyptian polychrome wooden stele

・岡田靖専門家:Wood conservation training course at the Grand Egyptian Museum Conservation Center by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (2011-2016)



・石井美恵専門家: Developing fabrics for textile conservation made with traditional techniques within the cultural property preservation policy in Japan.

・松田泰典専門家: Development of multi-spectral RTI system aimed at evaluation of process of varnish cleaning.




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