Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) provided the training course on Collection Management, the 1st term during December 2-13, 2012, the 2nd term during December 23-27, 2013 and the 3rd term during January 13-17, 2013.
The collection of the museum is the most important properties for its activities. It is essential that both museum and conservation center staffs know how to treat with and manage the precious and fragile collections in the storage. Inappropriate management of artifacts in the storage could damage them severely. In order to avoid this happening, JICA GEM-CC Project provided the training courses on collection management of artifacts especially targeting young staff-members working in the storage of the GEM-CC
In order to achieve proper collection management in the storage, it is necessary for the trainees to understand the contents of whole conservation activities related to the collections. Hence, this training course focused on environmental control, the storage method, the archive, integrated pest management, displaying, photographing, dimension measurement and the database of the collections.
This training course was carried out by 3 first-class experts, who had been invited from the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan, Egyptian experts of the GEM Design Unit, and experienced senior staffs of the GEM-CC and the Archaeological Database Department (ADD). This training course is the core for development of human resources, and those instructors did introduce the integrated knowledge and practical experience in the fields of collection management for the young trainees working at the GEM-CC storage.